To My Sassafras of A Daughter

Baby Girl,
There are moments happening every day in our lives right now where I wish time would stand still. At times I feel like these small, sweet and beautiful moments are rare and far between. With school and work, your Mommy is exhausted quite a bit and I wish I could just hit the pause button when life is at its sweetest.
The moment when you run up to me at full speed, with your little right arm pumping faster than the other. A great big smile on your face, and your hair and cheeks bouncing with every step; it absolutely warms every inch of my tattered and exhausted Mommy heart and soul. The moments when all you want to do is be held by Mommy. You hold me as tight as you can, placing your hands on my cheeks and resting your forehead on mine. You get so close to me I can take in your little toddler scent, a sweet mixture of moroccan oil, shea butter and whatever sticky snack or treat you currently have stuck to your fingers and is still lingering on your breath. Stinker, there are a million and one moments to choose from that I could live in forever with you. I can go on and on about what my most cherished and favorite moments are with you, but instead I’m just going to share what your current faves are, so you never forget what an amazing twenty-one month old toddler you were.
You love getting into Mommy and Daddy’s bed now, especially since you can climb up there on your own. We all pile up together, sometimes even with your puppy. You currently request constant viewings of the “monkey,” the “horsey,” the “puppy” or even your parental units fave, Friends. You call Beauty and the Beast, the monkey. You apparently think the horsey is the main character in Mulan, and I’m not really sure which dog in The Secret Lift of Pets is your favorite, but you just call it, puppy. You also are infatuated with a YouTuber named Blippi, who makes educational videos for kids. The ones we watch most are the bus, the garbage truck one, and when Blippi goes to the children’s museum.
Besides watching stories and cuddling, you truly love being outside exploring and playing with your friends. You don’t mind getting dirty, trying new things and you are a bit of a dare devil which at times stops my heart, but I’m learning to deal. You pick up bugs, rocks, mud, grass and love playing in the rain. Going for walks around the neighborhood is still high on your priority list, and your’e still collecting flowers, leaves, sticks, and nature’s shrapnel everywhere and Mommy is trying to keep them all (most) for your keep-sake jar. Sweet pea, you are fearless, inquisitive, focused, and a complete nut all in the same. You love going shopping, in real life and for pretend. You gather all your bags, put on your rain boots, and even put on a hat and you walk to the door and wave to Mommy and Daddy and pretend to leave. You gather all your toys and even some house decor (Mommy can’t have anything nice) into your shopping cart and walk around the house, depositing them in different spots and trying to give the dog some of it as well. It’s the cutest and messiest pretend shopping, ever.
Along with story watching, story reading, and outdoor shenanigans, you love coloring, pestering your dog, watching the turtle, running up and down the hallway while you’re on Mommy’s back, and helping us make our coffee in the morning. You actually say, “coffee.” You’re repeating everything we say, love music, dancing, and have a strange sticker and band-aid obsession. You love and miss your family very much, and always ask to Facetime with them. You even talk to your teacher and friends at school about your Uncle, which literally warms and breaks my heart at the same time.
You talk SO much and you have even started forming sentences which completely boggles my mind. You answer questions with the most adorable, “sure.” You know all your friends by their names, and even some of their parents names. We are working on colors, numbers, sharing, on remaining calm when things don’t go your way and listening. You get so focused, and you want to do everything on your own, you get so frustrated when you cant zip, button, open, close, or buckle something on your own. However, you always get it right once you calm down.
Baby girl, you are so smart, so beautiful, silly, sweet and the perfect amount of independent, tough and innocent. Although we may have some rough moments peppered in with cuddle time, giggles, and blanket forts; you make me so proud to be your Mommy every day.
Watching you play with your friends, figuring things out on your own, questioning things, and guiding your little personality and moral compass is my greatest joy, the hardest job and my biggest blessing. Keep being my smart and silly little girl, and I’ll make sure to take a breath and enjoy you as much as I can in between all the adulting. I love you to pieces.
Your adoring Mother,
P.S The dog, my phone, the dishwasher, and Mommy’s plants are not toys. You can’t have popsicles for breakfast, please be gentle and careful, stop putting your food in your hair, and please listen to your Mommy!
P.P.S Please keep giving us great big bear hugs, keep asking for hugs and kisses when you leave the room, keep wearing mommy’s shoes around the house, helping us cook, and keep being so easy to love.