Send Help
Okay folks, its about to get really, real. Like wiping your kids snot on your clothes real, like cleaning a minor coffee spill with your sock real, like no make-up-pajama-wearing-hot breath having-crust in your eye real. However, I’m willing to lay it out there for a good cause. As I would not make it a day in prison, so I’m pleading for your advice. I need help! WE need some help; the hubster and I. So listen up, judge not, and let the advice flood gates open…
Life has been pretty hectic the last few weeks; with me back in school, still working full-time, wifing and mothering – I’m holding it together with caffeine and happy pills. It doesn’t help that my husband’s travel schedule is going to be ramping up within the next several weeks, so I’m tossing up a Hail Mary, in hopes of making it out of this season alive.
I can deal with work, I can deal with late nights of reading and assignments, I can deal with a few moments of time I get with my husband in between parenting and responsibilities. What I can’t handle and having a really hard time dealing with is my daughter and her blossoming tantrums and defiance.
This little sassafras is pulling feelings, emotions, and patience levels out of me I didn’t know I had. I have caught myself saying, “Jesus, please take the wheel,” twice in one week when I was mere seconds away from dropping my child off at the fire station. What is the age cutoff for that anyway? Asking for a friend. The thing is, I’m not even a religious person, but when you reach the end of your patience rope, its the end of the day and you’ve said the same thing seventy-three times, and the word no has fallen on the cutest but deafest ears on this beautiful, green Earth. What can you really do, but ask for help? When my daughter is in beast-mode, which is typically used to describe snobby gym-goers. However, its the nicest way to describe the demon spawn that takes over the soul of my wide-eyed little angel. It takes every fiber of my being not to throw my youngin’ across a room, when her screams have reached octaves no human should ever hear for forty-five minutes at a time.
So, here is my request Momma’s and Daddy’s out there, give me your tricks, your bribes, your wisdom, your advice, give me the dirt! How do you get a twenty-one month old to calm the hell down when she’s reached exorcist levels of chaos? Share your secrets with me! Because, my daughter is as perfect as a toddler can be about 90% of the time, but when she actually throws a tantrum it reaches a level of intensity that is hard to describe. I keep hearing from people that its a phase, to stay consistent and all that jazz, and that all kids test their boundaries… I just find it so hard to believe that this Earth is so overpopulated and people continue to procreate if this is how all of us have acted at some point or another. It boggles my mind. Is it just us? Is it just my kid? Is it something I’m doing or not doing?!
When our little chunker is not possessed by the tantrum-demon she is honestly the sweetest, cuddliest and silliest little being you could ever be around. She’s kind, loving, smart, and just hysterical. How can it go so far to the other extreme during a tantrum? There is no in between! How do I make it stop?!
P.S My husband will be traveling almost this entire month. Please pray to all of your Gods, send positive thoughts, vibes, and wine. Send wine. I’ll take chocolate chip cookies and pizza if you’re feeling generous. Please and thanks.