Its Been A Month Stinky

Hello Sweet Girl,
We’ve been home for almost a month now and I can’t believe how quickly you’ve become acclimated to our new life here. The days and weeks seem to be in such a hurry, but this time with you has been wonderful. You and I made the drive down to Charlotte together; you made a huge mess in the back seat, we sang, we laughed, and we went through some crazy rain storms together, but we made it home safe and sound. Your Abuela was just beaming with relief and joy, and she had a few surprises up her sleeve to make sure our stay was comfortable and easy. Your Abuela, with your Uncle’s help put together a swing set for you out back. We weren’t in the house for fifteen minutes and you were back there, up past your bedtime, swinging and giggling to your little hearts content. My heart was so happy.
We have been so busy getting get settled, house shopping and having so much fun on most days that I haven’t been able to write to you or at all for that matter. Every night I’m still shocked at how exhausted I am by the time I get you down to sleep, it’s pitiful and rewarding. So here I am, up past my bedtime, trying to fill you and everyone in on our time here thus far. Here goes our first month in Charlotte, in photos:
First of all, your swing set is pretty awesome. Abuela and Uncle assumed that you wouldn’t be able to use the entire thing right away. They didn’t realize what a little daredevil you are. You were swinging, climbing two stairs at a time, jumping and having absolutely zero cares about your safety. You are literally going to give me a heart attack one day. I didn’t get the photo of when you jumped off of your “tower” and grabbed onto the monkeybars that are three times your height, because Mommy was running towards you to catch you. The thing is, you didn’t fall. You grabbed onto those bars, grinning from ear to ear. You knew you just shocked us all. Seeing how tough and strong you are makes me so proud and completely terrified of what is to come. We are in for some boo-boo’s and ouchies in our future.

You’ve been able to play with your cousin Amelia a couple of times, and this photo perfectly defines you. You kept saying, “Higher, higher! I want to go high!” Needless to say, your swing set is a huge hit. You get on there and start singing, “Super Everly, Super Mommy, Super Hawthorne…” Until you make it through the entire family. It’s the cutest thing ever. We may not have super powers, but in your eyes this family is just full of heroes.

Although we are having so much fun, and going on some new adventures, there are days when you are missing your friends from back home pretty fiercely. You constantly get your things together and say, “I’m going to school.” One day, you absolutely broke my heart when you were crying huge tears for what seemed like EVER because you wanted to see Eli. I’m not sure what you penciled in your calendar, but you were convinced that we were supposed to go to Eli’s house that day. You constantly walk around the house holding the picture of you two that he gave you before we left PA. And you always remind people that Eli is your best friend.

There are brief moments when your heart is missing your friends when I feel like I’ve made the wrong decision, bringing you here. Then within the next thought, breath or moment I see you bonding with your family and I know that things are going to be just fine. Your Abuela has taken you on “adventures” around the neighborhood, and she called us one day and said that you two had found yourselves by the community pool. Your Daddy and I came over and you were having the time of your life with your Abuela. You were already wanting to jump in the pool, unassisted of course, because you always want to do things on your own. You are a force little one.

Now, this guy, your Uncle is one of your favorite people. He comes over and you just light up. Even if you two are just sitting around watching TV you are completely on cloud nine. We are so grateful that he makes the time in his busy schedule to come hang out with you and create such sweet memories. He would move mountains for you, and it melts my heart.

While most of your time is spent with family you have managed to make some new furry friends next door. You stop everything that you are doing and you run screaming with joy when they are out. It makes me so happy that you like animals as much as I do. It makes me plot our next pet!

Even though you’ve made new furry friends, you always make time to snuggle and pester your number one, Hawthorne.
It’s shocking and endearing how much confidence you hold in that tiny little body. You’ve managed to make yourself really comfortable here at Abuela’s. Your unique fashion sense, your confidence, sassiness, and brilliance has blossomed so much since we got here. You are living your best life my dear.
I know that it sounds like this month has been entirely about you, and for the most part it has been. However, it has also been about finding a house that we can call home. I am very happy to report that we will start a new chapter, in our own space by the end of the summer. I know you are having a blast here, but you also are a little confused about what is going on. Today when we got home from the grocery store I said, “We’re home!” and you looked at me and said, “We’re not home.” It shocked me a little, but you know that this is Abuela’s house. Soon we will be in our own space and I hope that you will feel confident enough to call it your home.
Another thing that this last month has been about is your Mommy. You see, I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to handle being a stay at home mom. You had such a great experience at daycare, made so many friends, excelled at all of your milestones and all that jazz that I was afraid I wasn’t going to be enough for you. The thing is, your Mommy has never been this happy and proud of herself, ever. Every day is not perfect, but every night before I close my eyes I’m thanking my lucky stars that I get to wake up the next day and go on another adventure with my kid. I get to teach you something new, we get to discover a new pond to feed the ducks, snuggle a little longer in the mornings and you get to teach me new things every day too baby. Like where the good hiding spots are and how someones heart can grow a little bigger every single day because of a curly headed stinker.
Every night I’m thinking about new adventures, different crafts, fun indoor and outdoor activities, and even new challenges that we will face and I’m so glad that we get to go through them together. A few of the fun things that we have been able to do is, “Mommy and me yoga” – some days you are super into it and following everything Mommy is doing and some days you just stretch for a few minutes and get distracted. (I’ll take it) We’ve painted, made silly hats, have done a million and one things with bubbles, played in your baby pool, chased each other around the house and yard. Played hide and go seek, had water gun fights. We’ve been using our green thumb every day; we planted fruits and veggies, made succulent gardens for Abuela, and potted several of her plants. You love watering the plants and spraying me with the hose when you think I’m not looking. We’ve met new friends, had lunch dates, play dates, and grocery dates. You LOVE going to the grocery store (still), you like to help put things in the cart, push the cart and hand things to the cashier. There is never a dull moment when you and I are navigating through our day. Whether we are all smiles, planting, running, soaking each other with the hose or working through a tantrum we are so lucky to have this time. I can’t say that enough. Who would’ve thought?

This summer was supposed to be a “trial” to see if I can handle this “stay at home Mom” gig. It has only been a month and I think that I couldn’t be more in love with you and our crazy days. Just today your Daddy told me that he’d never seen me happier. Hearing that from him meant everything to me. It hasn’t been perfect, nothing ever is, but your Mommy is working so hard every day to make sure we are having fun, learning, laughing, snuggling, and making sure you don’t turn into an asshole <<< Literally on the top of my priority list every day. Stinky, I adore you more and more every single day. There are moments I want to pull my hair out and there are moments when I look at you and I feel like my entire body could explode with love and pride about who you are becoming, and who you are making me become.
Until tomorrow stinky, I’m hoping its a good one.
Your crazy Momma,