I Kept My Tiny Human Alive Today

It was Mother’s Day today and to be honest, I didn’t feel extra special or motherly for that matter. I felt more like an exhausted migrant worker who had sweated through her third shirt of the day trying to “gather” and maintain organized produce (chaos) at the Melvi House. The husband has been gone for what seems like forever, and I’ve been trying to be a super “extra” Mom these past few weeks making big and small a “adventures” for my tiny little communist. I’m exaggerating of course, she has actually been pretty awesome, but this Momma is beat! I’m getting a tiny glimpse of what full-on Mom mode is going to be like, and I’m going to need some vitamins, extra servings of caffeine and some Aleve. It isn’t that this Mother’s Day wasn’t special, fun or memorable. I just wasn’t doted on and spoiled like my crazy family got me accustomed to the last two years. I actually had to be a Mom today, yesterday, the past several weeks all on my own. (Thanks husband). So this day comes to a near end of an exhausting few months of packing, studying, working, momming, and getting emotionally prepared to leave my PA family.
See, the last two years I managed to have pretty big and relaxing Mother’s days. The first year I had my daughter I somehow got all the generations of women together in my family for a very important and memorable photo-op. Our five generation photo literally means the world to me as I had one growing up, and now my stink will too. I will cherish this photo until the end of time.
The second Mother’s day came with an entire week of visiting my family and friends in Charlotte. Each day we had a different adventure and by the time the week ended I was an emotional wreck because all I wanted to do was stay home. It was such a great little vacation we had, and it seemed that my Mother’s days getting better and better.
This year, I did laundry, walked around the neighborhood in my Batman robe, chasing my toddler around as she said, “C’mon Mom. Come here! I want to hold the birds.” I swept and mopped the floors, then the dog trailed in fresh mud and rain. I got my kid a million snacks and was asked a million and one questions. We drew all over the covered patio with chalk because it was then raining, and then we had an argument at nap time. Having an argument with a two year old is frustrating, hysterical and completely pointless. I folded laundry, then tended to a whiney toddler who didn’t want to nap.
Fortunately, we ended the day by going to a friends house. We painted, played with “big kids” and ordered takeout. It was a regular day in Mommyland, and now that I’m looking at all that we did, all I accomplished on my own… it was kind of awesome.
Am I exhausted, yes. Did I get to shower today, no. However, my kid had an absolute blast all day besides the brief nap time fiasco. That is actually a huge Mom win. The thing is, I am a Mother every day, not just on Mother’s day. Whether we do something extra special, stay at home and watch our stories or spend time with family and friends… every day that I’m her Mom I’m going to feel special, loved, appreciated and exhausted. That is just part of it. Next year we will be in Charlotte, with Abuela and no matter what we end up doing at the end of the day I still get to be this little chunkers Mom, and as long as I keep her alive and well mannered, I’m winning.
Happy Mother’s Day Momma’s!
Being a mom is awesome, can’t wait to have mom and Abuela activities with Everly
Just getting to these comments. Been a little busy as you know. LOL Love you!