Hey Kid, You’re Kind of an Asshole

Hey Kid,
It is unbelievable how five whole years just came and went. Saying “you’re five” just baffles me. I hate to sound like such a cliche, but it seems like just yesterday we were nursing, you were falling asleep on me and I could make you laugh just by answering your foot phone.
From the moment I found out I was pregnant with you, you have consumed my every thought. Now, watching you grow into your own tiny little person leaves me in awe every day. You are so imaginative, thoughtful, curious, intense, stubborn and so excitable. I’ll never get sick of hearing you get so excited about the little things. Whether its snowing outside, you got a package from Abuela or showing me how you can draw hearts now. Your excitement and energy fuels and drains me sweet pea.
So much generosity and kindness pour out of your heart, in almost all that you do. You are always making new drawings for your classmates at school, wanting to take your own gifts and toys and give them to your friends. There isn’t a day that goes by that you don’t ask to speak to your family and friends back home; making them videos, sharing your newest art pieces or singing silly songs. You are a sweetheart stinky. My faves are still the fact that you enjoy helping me out in the kitchen and most importantly snuggling up with your Daddy and I.
Among your many amazing, fun and quirky little traits that make me endlessly proud of you… you’re also a bit of an asshole. I know that isn’t something most mothers say to their children, but I’d like to think my honesty is something you will appreciate one day. So, here goes:
There are moments when you take your stubbornness to a whole new level. You are constantly correcting me, even when you are 100% wrong most times. You are so nosey, whiney, argumentative and have to hear something ten times before you jump into action. Then have the audacity to tell your Daddy and I, “Don’t rush me!” Seriously, “don’t rush you,” I’d have a mouth full of veneers if I had ever said that to your Abuela.
You aren’t impressed with anything that I do for you, even the stuff people say I’m kind of good at! Which, mostly just makes me want to crawl into a hole. You criticize and judge my doodles, my cooking, my crafts and even at times have the nerve to say, “That’s not very good,” and “That looks really weird.” I can’t even begin to list how many meals as of late you have been completely disgusted by without even tasting. Oy, baby girl you are so crazy, so strong, so persistent, exhausting and super disrespectful. Like, seriously I wish you could just have a glimpse of my childhood and fully grasp how much you get away with.
The thing is, even with all the things that you do to make me want to pull my damn hair out – I’m overwhelmed with how much love, empathy and kindness you already embody at such a young age. You are always telling me how much you love me while squeezing me in a hug. Always asking for “one more hug, just one more, you’re just so cozy!” You are so excited about being a big sister and can’t wait to meet your little brother. You hug and kiss my belly every day and you’re always talking about all the things we still need to get “your baby.” When I’m struggling to walk up the stairs or just to the bathroom you jump up and hold my hand to help me along. A couple of weeks ago you gave me a “spa day.” Which included a foot and hand massage from you and Daddy, while you placed cucumbers on my eyes and a warm rag on my forehead. You’re five, how did you even know about the cucumber thing?
So, you see, with all the things that currently drive your Daddy and I completely mad – we know that those traits will only make you stronger as you grow up. Being confident, taking initiative, being outspoken and opinionated. These are the traits of someone who isn’t going to take any shit from anyone baby girl. Also, with the love, empathy, kindness and passion that you have you will be unstoppable. I just hope you lean towards management, consulting or higher education and not the leader of a gang. Can you do that for Mommy? Mmk, thanks.
Love you more than you’ll ever know,
Your crazy momma,
P.S You were so chunky and squishy and little, not so long ago. What I’d give to squeeze those chunky rolls one more time. Now, you get to be the best big sister in the world. I can’t wait to see how you and Auguste will fall in love with one another.