Hey Kid, It is unbelievable how five whole years just came and went. Saying “you’re five” just baffles me. I
May 15, 2020 Hey Stinky, It been forever since I’ve written to you and when you are older you’ll completely
Hello my sweetest psychotic little pea, I wonder how you’re feeling this morning after our little Toddler Battle Royale?! Have
It’s been several months stinky. We’ve had a pretty tumultuous and eventful Spring, Summer and now Fall. You are so
Hello Sweet Girl, We’ve been home for almost a month now and I can’t believe how quickly you’ve become acclimated
Hey Stinky, For the past few weeks things around the house have looked a little strange. There have been boxes,
Hey Sweet Pea, Things around the house have been pretty hectic, and you and your big brother Hawthorne have had
Sweetest Pea, It’s been a while since I’ve written you, and Mommy is so sorry. So much has happened that
Baby Girl, We have had a pretty awesome Fall this year, a little squirrelly at times, but overall it has
You've had a fever since Sunday evening, and I'm currently typing this letter to you one-handed because you're fast asleep